
Strange Times

Since New Year’s eve, I’ve been concerned with many things but the pandemic wasn’t one of them.

Today is the first day that I have to stay home because of the virus. In fact, I’ve just received a mail from the manager of my team, we officially don’t have access to the office anymore.

Half of me feels like Ferris Bueller, the other half like Rick Grimes.

The building and the street are very quiet. The neighbours are not slamming their doors, you can’t hear many cars in the street, the kids are not shouting on their way back from school, even the birds seem more silent than usual.

It should feel strange, it just feels good. The world is on pause.

I haven’t been posting much since the beginning of 2020… I was too busy being adrift, but all it took to put an end to my inertia was a worldwide crisis. Or was it the near release of Doom Eternal?

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