The Riddler’s Mind-Worm

A few months ago, screenshots of this mysterious mount were popping up from everywhere on my twitter feed. Granted, I thought it looked pretty ugly, but I got very curious nonetheless.

Apparently, in order to get this mount, you have to solve a puzzle that consists of riddles where you have to hunt down pages across Azeroth in a certain order. Thanks to the Secret Finding Discord Community and the online guide of Nightswifty, we managed to get the Riddler’s Mind-Worm in no time.

I still wonder how anyone could have possibly solved this puzzle, I completely fail to see the logic. Anyway, I love to explore and I find it exciting to know that there are still hidden secrets in the game. I wonder how many more of these are there, ready to be discovered… Maybe, one day, another genius mind will uncover another mystery in Azeroth.

In the meantime, here is an ordered list of the pages and where to find them:

  • Page 9 …of Sea, Spirit and self… : Inside Legerdemain Lounge ground floor on the bookshelf in Dalaran.
  • Page 78 …first of lords to fall… : Duskwood, on the table near the moonwell in Twilight Grove.
  • Page 161 …the wind, the eye… : Inside Firelands, on the left wall of the Ragnaros platform.
  • Page 655 …the plume, the tomb, a scarab moon… : East of the Lost City of the Tol’vir : between the two small trees.
  • Page 845 …in snow, sand, and stone… : In the Sha of Pride room from Siege of Orgrimmmar (in the far back left corner of the room).
  • Page 1127 …behold the battle, unblinking… : Inside the Well of Eternity dungeon from Caverns of Time (on the first stairs).
  • Page 2351…bejeweled watcher… : Near the Shado-Pan Monastery in Kun-Lai Summit : Between the paws of the left tiger stature.
  • Page 5555 …ray of sunrise… : Uldum : at the base of the statue.
  • Gift of the Mind-Seeker is found on the west coast of Westfall (hidden in a little boat wreck).

Note that you have to finish all before the weekly reset, otherwise you’ll have to restart from scratch. Unlike the rumours spread all over the internet, this doesn’t take much time at all and is easily soloable. I had much fun doing this with Sardoken one Sunday afternoon (no, it didn’t require the entire afternoon!) and I would gladly do something like this again, once presented!

Happy hunting!

Midsummer Fire Festival 2017

An afternoon is all it took to collect the 850 burning blossoms required for the new pet and the new toy.

Our hunters honored and desecrated the fires of Legion, Draenor, Northrend and Outland in order to collect the first 500 burning blossoms. We were short of 20, so we had to go to Hyjal and Twilight Highlands. Finally, we could go to Orgrimmar and buy the set of matches.

That’s the official version of what happened. Another version, however, is that Sardoken is so hot, he caught fire…

Our druids did almost the same tour to collect the remaining 350 burning blossoms, but they didn’t have to go further than Grizzly Hills, they had enough to buy the Igneous Flameling.

Yes, we made all our screenshots in the snow. Today was actually the first day that we could play World of Warcraft after almost 10 days of heatwave. It was still very hot, but it felt so good to play again. Our only wish is that we could have rolled ourselves in the snow of Frostire Ridge.

Underlight Angler

One of the things I love to do in World of Warcraft is “Fishing”. So, when they told me there would be a fishing artifact for Legion, I was absolutely thrilled. The only thing that worried me a little bit were the rumours about how hard it was to get it and that it required an insane amount of fishing. None of that was true!

Already while leveling, I was quite curious to see that famous floating island northwest of Dalaran and our new fishing hero named Conjurer Margos. I directly fished up a fair amount of Drowned Mana on the island to buy “Arcane Lure” from Margos and used that everytime I went fishing.

With the “Arcane Lure” active, you can catch rare bait that grants you a buff in order to catch the rare fish which are needed for the achievement “Bigger Fish to Fry”. What normally should have been a so called long and painful process, was actually a pretty fast and fun way to complete this achievement. Most of the rare baits just give a two minute buff, but some were pretty special and added a funny note to the usual fishing experience.

Once you’ve reached level 110 and completed the “Bigger Fish to Fry” achievement, you can fish up a Luminous Pearl. This pearl can only be caught in pools and will start the quest chain to obtain the fishing artifact. Follow its instructions and head over to Khadgar (Dalaran), he’ll give you the quest “The Dalaran Fountain”, which sends you to Marcia Chase. Once you turn this in, a pearl will appear in the fountain.

Normally, Nat Pagle should appear and offer you the “Fish Frenzy” quest. Note that he might not show up straight (with me he didn’t), after a quick relog and waiting for a minute, he’ll finally appear near the fountain. Accept the quest he gives, it’ll bring you into a three step scenario located on an island infested with murlocs. This scenario is pretty short, but real fun.

I won’t spoil anything, not to ruin the experience. Once you’re done with the scenario, you’ll be sent back to Marcia Chase and she’ll award you with the Underlight Angler!

Now, the real fishing in Legion can begin! You can upgrade the artifact by catching the same rare fish as for “Bigger Fish to Fry”. These rare fish will stop giving fishing xp from now on and will give artifact power instead. Also, don’t do like me and head out to your class order hall for upgrading this epic fishing pole! The artefact forge is the pearl at the Dalaran fountain. There, you can upgrade your pole.

Fishing certainly became more interesting in this expansion. I haven’t started upgrading my “Underlight Angler” yet. I wonder how long it will take.

Meanwhile, happy fishing!

The Brutes are back in town

Yes, you’ve read that right, we’re back! After a very long break from our blog, The Brutes have finally returned.

The last post we’ve made about WoW dates from the 6th of April 2015. After that, we started playing on and off, without posting anything about our adventures.

It all started in 2014, when we made a huge move to Brussels. We had bought a new construction appartment and Soforah had changed her job. Little did we know about all the problems that were awaiting us. The first year was all about the moving and fixing the poorly executed works.

When finally we thought that we would be settled in, a huge catastrophe happened to the appartment. No, we won’t go into detail, we prefer to turn the page on this plumbing nightmare.

We ended up being relocated from one airbnb place to another for months. Moving around huge PCs wasn’t an option since we don’t own a car. As a result, we couldn’t game for a long time (which seemed like an eternity).

In the summer of 2016, we finally moved back to our place. Unfortunately, it took us longer than we thought to settle back in. But what matters is that we’re back, and we won’t give up anytime soon!

Happy Easter!

As you can see, we’re enjoying Noblegarden on this fine day at home. I’m glad that I only had to collect 100 chocolates for the Mystical Spring Bouquet, my eyes are still painful from the 500 we had to collect for the Swift Springstrider.

For the Alliance

As you may have noticed, the ever brutal Orcs, Sardoken and Soforah, are dwarves once again. And yeah, we’re still very brutal (even more now ;p).


If BElfies are for Blood Elves, then DWelfies are for Dwarfs, right?

Less than one hour

Less than an hour left before WoD… everybody’s going crazy. The Dark Portal is overcrowded, the channels are epic, the Mamytwink Show sets the ambiance together with the loads of tweets that bomb my screen. The first servers are going down, will Draenor EU survive this massive horde heading towards the Portal? The suspense is killing me ;-p

Two hours from launch

After an hour queue, we’re finally running around the Dark Portal, surrounded by half the population of the server. As you can see on the screenshot, it looks like the brutes have gone paladin… Well, after years of repeating the same hunter rotation, it feels good to mash other buttons. The hype is big tonight, Twitch, Tweeter, YouTube, blogs, the Warlords are everywhere!

The day before the invasion

Tomorrow, we’ll leave Pandaria for Draenor and the world (of Warcraft) as we know it will be changed forever (again). I was already hyped with the Blizzcon, the TV spots, the Warlords serie, and now this: The Iron Horde invades Time Square. I love expansions for the new content but what really makes it for me is all this pre-launch excitement. Soon, we’ll be back in our little routines, waiting for the next patch, but for now, let’s enjoy the hype!

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