Connected Watches & Confinement

A few years ago, Soforah and I purchased an Apple Watch serie 2 for our wedding anniversary. At first, it was new and fun, we could track the amount of steps we walked during our lunchtimes and it looked cool on our wrists.
Not being a big fitness guy, I never used it for anything else than checking the time or tracking the daily amount of steps I walked. But still, I enjoyed it, it was a cool gadget and I love gadgets.
Then, we got confined for months and I didn’t even recharge it anymore. Why would I? I am home all the time and I don’t wear a watch at home, it would make me feel uncomfortable, like wearing shoes inside.
We had planned to purchase the latest Apple Watch (which was announced yesterday evening) as a New Year’s Eve gift, but I really don’t see any reason to spend 400,00€ for something that will stay on my bedside table 99% of the time. Even if the confinement ends (you never know), I still work from home 3 days a week, which brings the grand total of days outside to 2, it’s a little bit weak to justify such an expanse.
Now I know that the definition of a gadget is something you don’t really need, but still you should at least use it…
All in all, I start to wonder if I shouldn’t go back to wearing Swatch watches. I’ve been wearing them since the 80s and I love them. Also, they don’t need to be recharged every 2 days, which is still a big plus for something that’s supposed to give you the time.