Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead (2009)

While rafting, four college kids are attacked by the mutant cannibal hillbilly Three Finger. Meanwhile, a group of dangerous criminals are transported from the West Virginia Grafton Penitentiary. The bus is hit by a tow truck driven by Three Finger and falls off the road. The prisoners and a guard, led by Carlo Chavez accidentally meet Alex, the lone survivor of the college kids.
I enjoy to watch college kids being slaughtered by cannibals, I wouldn’t watch all 7 episodes of Wrong Turn if I wouldn’t. But for the first time, the cannibal’s murder spree felt righteous, those prisoners were unbearable and to see them dismembered by Three Finger felt more rewarding than usual. Oops, I should have warned for the spoilers… But did anyone really thought that the prisoners would survive?
PS: I could have used an image of the girl on the left having her boob pierced by Three Finger’s arrow but I wouldn’t want to shock my readers sensibility. Also teens in bikinis smoking weed while giving the finger isn’t so bad.