From A to Zereth

After the fun we had completing the “Breaking the Chains” meta achievement for Korthia, Sardoken and I started working on the one for Zereth Mortis, “From A to Zereth”.

Until now, we’ve downed all the elusive rares, found all the remaining treasures,… the only thing left on the list is to reach exalted with The Enlightened. Since this is fairly easy by just doing world quests and killing rares, it’ll happen soon. 

Compared to other meta achievements (think BfA) the Shadowlands ones are pretty easy and fun. The only part that I thought would be hard to get was “Dune Dominance”, even that was completed in the blink of an eye. The screenshot below portrays perfectly what I love in WoW, the huge amount of people for one rare. What a lightshow! I hope this’ll never change!

Right now, I’m searching for all the schematics for protoform synthesis to craft all Zereth Mortis’ pets and mounts. Before Dragonflight comes out, I want to have completed all that Shadowlands has to offer. We need a lot of special materials to craft protoform creatures, and even these are fun to farm. The LFG tool always has farm groups up to get Genesis Motes, and they drop fairly easy.  I think we’ll still be spending quite some time in this zone, if not for the crafting, there are also other fun achievements to complete like “Apocopocolypse Now”.

Now, if the summer heat would calm down again, that would be great. I have other places to be than in my living room. Even though, having more time to work on the blog is a great thing.

Patch 9.1.5. Makes Me Happy

Soforah and I are having a blast in Shadowlands. Between the Anima hunt, the mushroom quests, Torghast, the covenant upgrades and Korthia, our daily routine is really fun and diverse. However, reading the developer update made us very excited for the things to come. I’m also glad that Blizzard continues to be the kind of developer who listens to the feedback, despite the negative vibe spread by the toxic community.

Well, that’s a lot, but what makes me really happy is:

  • 21 new soul shapes (mostly critters), I wanna be a squirrel and a cat;
  • Soloable Islands expeditions (we didn’t give it enough love during BFA);
  • Recyclable Shadowlands legendaries (bye bye boots, hello pants).

Also, I’ve already re-installed Hearthstone on my phone, because there’s no way that I would miss on the gorgeous new mouse mount!

Xmas Holidays: First Week

Our home working computers are hidden inside of a wardrobe, the apartment is fully decorated (picture above), the laundry basket is empty and everything is planned to the last detail. But you know how it goes, after 3 days the plan was entirely changed…

We were supposed to watch the second season of The Boys, followed by Truth Seekers. Instead, we’re re-watching one of our favourite TV shows ever: Dark and it is as good as the first time we watched it.

TLDR: We’re on holidays, we don’t follow the plan we had made and we’re having a blast. The best moments are often unplanned.

By the way: it’s my birthday and Soforah is making her infamous vegetarian lasagna for this evening, we’ll just have to pop it in the oven, life is good!

Two Hours Before Launch

We logged in WoW yesterday with no intention to take part in the big Shadowlands launch. We had the time to complete a few dailies/world quests, then the lag made it almost impossible to do anything else than read the chat and feel the excitement.

As we logged out, Orgrimmar was filled like I haven’t seen it in a long time. Thousands of people side by side, waiting for an event to start, this is the kind of moment that makes World of Warcraft so amazing. No other game can give such a fantastic feeling.

All we have to wait now is 10 days before we can finally join the fun.

Last Day Before Shadowlands

People are getting ready to enter Shadowlands or, at least, to participate to the huge lag-queue-bug fest that is an expansion launch. But we won’t be there. Woooooot?!

We have almost the entire month of December off and we’d like to start leveling our characters at the beginning of our holidays. So, we’ll resist the temptation, we’ll even lock our experience gain until the 4th of December.

Even if there’s something incredibly exciting to be in the first wave on release date, Sof and I have participated to too many expansion launches to still believe that the experience will be smooth. The game will truly be enjoyable 10 days later. Hopefully, by then, the queues will be smaller, the competition for the quest objectives will be less savage and the lag will be reduced.

Meanwhile, I’ll be fishing in Pandaria or killing rares in Nazjatar…

The Rares System Is Fixed

Did they listen to the community or was it planned all along? Anyway, the respawn timer of the rare mobs in Icecrown has been reduced to 10 minutes (from 20 minutes). It makes the whole farming more dynamic and much funnier. I’ve passed from “I’ll ignore this part of the event” to “I can’t wait to be this evening to join the grind”.

The Rares System Is Bad

Shadowlands event is up and, while I had fun for like an hour or two, I quickly arrived to the point where all that’s left to do is to wait for rares to spawn. I’ve hated waiting for rare mobs to spawn since Timeless Isle, it’s a poor way to keep people engaged in the game.

My hard earned free time could be better used than stand in front of a spawn point, watching at the clock. I’m not asking for hand-outs, to the contrary, I play WoW because I enjoy to work toward goals. So, let me grind, farm and gather currencies that I can later exchange for rewards, instead of having me wait for it to maybe drop.

It’s Happening!

I could not not write a post about this week’s best news: Shadowlands will be released on November, 24th and it couldn’t be a better date. Sof’ and I will begin a month of holidays at home (unrelated to the confinement, related to not giving a shit about the outside world) on December 4th. By then, the new expansion will have had 10 days to bug, lag and crash.

Remember when I said that it would be between Nov. 23th and Dec. 8th… Ok, I said it would be the later, but I wasn’t too far, huh?!

We were already prepared to not see WoW’s new expansion this year, with this nowadays’ general delaying trend, California’s wildfires and god knows what 2020 still has in stores (aliens, volcanoes, Trump?)… But it’s definitely coming, Blizzard has even moved WoW’s 16th anniversary to November 2nd so the two events wouldn’t overlaps.

Now, let’s start stock piling food…

Shadows Rising

Writing a prequel to a new expansion is not an easy task, the real plot will unfold in the game while the introduction story is mostly about the tensions that grow before the war. While there is a plot in Shadows Rising, the book focuses on the relations between the characters that will play a role in the expansion to come.

I won’t lie, I didn’t have much pleasure reading this book, it was often overly descriptive and slow. Also, I’m not a fan of Madeleine Roux’s writing style. Unfortunately, Christie Golden was apparently already busy with another project (which looks amazing)… I just hope that Roux doesn’t become a new resident writer for Blizzard.

What I did enjoy though was to read the book as I was completing the Horde campaign with my Paladin. It gave more depth to many characters that I was discovering in the game (like Talanji and Bwonsamdi).

I am now ready for Shadowlands. Only twice sleeping before the pre-patch, yeah!

Shadowlands Delayed

Blizzard just announced that Shadowlands, the next WoW expansion which was set to be released on October 27th, will be delayed until late 2020.

Well, I didn’t see that one coming…

But, since we’re veterans of launches (and the mess they usually are), we didn’t plan a single day off for the release. Actually, we were planning to take some time off in December.

I know that November 24th and December 8th are the two most possible new dates for the release but I’m not sure that Nov.24th is gonna happen, since it’s right before Thanksgiving and the launch of an expansion requires most people to be at work. So, I put my money on Dec.8th.

I just hope that they won’t delay it until 2021 because I really would love to run in Shadowlands during the holiday season.

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