World of Warcraft

It’s Happening!

I could not not write a post about this week’s best news: Shadowlands will be released on November, 24th and it couldn’t be a better date. Sof’ and I will begin a month of holidays at home (unrelated to the confinement, related to not giving a shit about the outside world) on December 4th. By then, the new expansion will have had 10 days to bug, lag and crash.

Remember when I said that it would be between Nov. 23th and Dec. 8th… Ok, I said it would be the later, but I wasn’t too far, huh?!

We were already prepared to not see WoW’s new expansion this year, with this nowadays’ general delaying trend, California’s wildfires and god knows what 2020 still has in stores (aliens, volcanoes, Trump?)… But it’s definitely coming, Blizzard has even moved WoW’s 16th anniversary to November 2nd so the two events wouldn’t overlaps.

Now, let’s start stock piling food…

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