Our Greatest Regret

Battle for Azeroth as been the expansion that we’ve probably played the less. For two years, we’ve been asking ourselves how we could love something that much for more than a decade and, now, not being able to play it for more than a few days. Many times, we’ve tried to get back into it… We’ve joined another guild, we’ve even tried to better plan our achievement hunt… All without success.

As we were starting to think that it was time to move one from WoW, we decided to spend a week-end discovering the Horde campaign…

Zandalar, the colors, the characters, the story, the music, everything feels right. Within a few days, our enthusiasm was back and our greatest regret is that we haven’t been on this side of the story since the begining of BFA.

Throughout our years in Azeroth, we’ve been both Alliance and Horde and I know that it is down to everybody’s personal taste, but our greatest times have always been on the Horde.

We don’t know why we didn’t think about it sooner but we won’t change factions anymore. For the Horde! Zandalar forever!

But moving to the Horde wasn’t enough, something else was missing… Around Cataclysm, Sof and I both changed our mains from Druid to Hunter. Since then, we’ve been accumulating achievements points on those characters, which made it increasingly harder to change our mains again. As a consequence, we’ve been playing a class we both didn’t enjoy because we were afraid to start all over again. We’ve tried several times but we always came back to our hunters because “they have everything”. It was a mistake. If you don’t enjoy the class you play, you should change, no matter what!

When we recently moved to the Horde, we started questing with our Retribution Paladins in Zuldazar and we’ve been having more fun than we’ve ever had with our Hunters. I won’t lie, we’ve had a rough couple of weeks… Changing your main characters when our old ones are so close to complete achievements like Undersea Usurper is not an easy thing to do. But, as the week passed, it became clear that our Hunters were responsible for last years’ drop of enthusiasm.

Our plan is to complete Nazjatar and reach exalted status with Rajani and Uldum Accord, then we’ll switch entirely to our Paladins for Shadowlands. We have until December because we don’t plan starting the next expansion before the end of the year holidays. Meanwhile, we’re completing the Paladin class order hall campaign and we’re trying to unlock the hidden artifact appearance, which is an insanely fun thing to do.

WoW lately

Welcome to the first edition of our weekly report, a serie of weekly posts narrating our adventures in Azeroth.

Nobelgarden edition

This week, we’ve been catching back on the main quest lines of Battle for Azeroth, we both completed the war campaign and the pride of Kul Tiras.

Jaina became such a badass!
Golthor blowing things up with Jaina…

We’ve also unlocked the Void Elves and the Lightforged Draenei allied races. We honestly thought that the Void Elves would be our favourite, since we’re not really fans of Draenei… Well, it didn’t turn out that way, helping T’paartos completing his trial was hillarious. That got us wondering: where is he now? Hopefully, we’ll cross him again…

Our new friend

Then, we embarked on an amazing quest: the Dwarf heritage armour. There’s no secret here, we’re Dwarfs fans. Having us helping to restore an ancient Dwarf armour with the help of the furnace master was a total hit. We’ve been talking about it almost every day as one of our favourite quest ever.

Visiting the old Ironforge was amazing
Soforah in excellent company
Having us crafting our own armour was amazing!

It was also Nobelgarden and we went back to our favourite chocolate farming spot: Goldhsire. We both collected the 500 chocolates required to purchase the new toy (the Nobelgarden Heartstone) and the 5 new spring circlets. The funny thing with Nobelgarden is that we often see it as a chore that disrupts our questing, but, when we’re transformed as rabbits running amidst the chaos that is the egg hunt, we’re enjoying it very much.

You know you’re heading to Goldshire when…
250 chocolates for 5 circlets, totally worth it!
250 chocolates to hearthstone in style

VoilĂ , that’s all folks! More next week.

Tiragarde Sound

Until now, I’ve absolutely loved questing and levelling in BfA. Upon my arrival in Boralus, I started my adventure in Tiragarde Sound. There was an instant click with the new content, one that I hadn’t experienced in a while. I found myself stopping everywhere to admire the beauty of the landscapes and the details that Blizzard has spent so much time creating. Also, the music is mesmerizing. Every morning, I wake up with the Boralus theme song in my head, a great start for my days.

One of the first quest chains that I did lead me to the encounter with the kraken, Viq’Goth at Anglepoint Warf. I absolutely loved to take part in defending the sea gate. It reminded me of Tethyr, the kraken that attacked Theramore. It already was one of my favourite quests, imagine my surprise when I discovered the leviathan theme in this new expansion. As a huge Cthulhu fan, I was ecstatic.

I also enjoyed saving sailors from the siren songs, uncovering the betrayal of Lady Ashvane, and horseriding in the Norwington Estate,… So many great quests in this zone that are already creating fond memories. With a special mention to the side quests of The Roughnecks. They’re probably my favourite Tiragarde quests, from shaving goats, to gathering honey, and killing wendigos… I had a fun adventure which lead to the meeting of the majestic Wildhammer Dwarf, Boss Tak.

Description: With a performance like that, it’s clear you’re one of the top dogs here. Boss Tak will want to see you. He’s up north checking on one of our camps in Waning Glacier. Head up that way and give him a hand. Oh, and I don’t recommend looking him straight in the eye… or at his feet… or really anywhere near him. Best bet, close your eyes when you’re talkin’ to him. – Wow-pedia

I can’t help but chuckle at this description. What can I say? I have a certain fondness for Dwarves.

Now off to explore Drustvar and Stormsong Valley. The adventure continues…

Our beta experiments

Each time a new expansion is about to hit, we ask ourselves the same question: “should we change our main character?”.

It implies that we aren’t happy with our actual mains… To be honest, we haven’t been happy with the Hunter in a long time. There are some great things about it, but the gameplay is no longer one of them.

Therefore, we’re always trying other classes in the hope to find a replacement.

We’ve tried many classes lately, both on live and beta servers, and the pattern has been the same for all of them: discovery – excitement – disappointment. For example, we would try a destruction warlock, get comfortable with it, reach max level, have fun completing quests, go in a dungeon and, almost directly, get bored with it.

After a few weeks hurting ourselves, we’ve finally found the right fit and, guess what, it’s the same class for both of us!

For Sardoken, the problem didn’t come from the class but from the role. He just doesn’t enjoy DPSing in dungeons… Healer was where the fun was when he started to play, 14 years ago, and it still is today.

For Soforah, the problem was that no other class could bring her as much fun as the Moonkin. Eventhough she found the Paladin and the Warlock interesting, the Druid is what makes her feel the most comfortable in dungeons. Nothing like a dashing cat to catch back the group, especially those Demon Hunters.

As for the faction, no matter how beautiful Kul Tiras can be, and no matter how crazy Sylvanas can go, we’ll stay faithful to our faction: For the Horde!

TLDR: We’ll switch mains in BFA but not for a class we’ve never played before, our druids will finally have the place they deserve.

Now, off to complete those last achievements before 8.0 is realeased.

We did a thing

Last weekend, Sardoken and I pre-purchased “Battle for Azeroth”. Naturally, our first concern was which character to spend our 110 boost on. After “serious” thinking, we decided to both boost a Death Knight.

Saturday afternoon we spent the day leveling our DK’s to 60 before applying the boost. To my surprise there were a ton of people leveling in Hellfire Peninsula. It was fun seeing so many people enjoying the old content. The gameplay with the DK was very enjoyable as well. It felt like I was on a killing spree with an unstoppable juggernaut. Another thing I really love is the lore, it reminds me so much of the Dragonlance series. Hence why I named my character, Kittiara.

From the moment we dinged 60, we eagerly hit the boost button… everthing went fine, until we had to run a Legion dungeon. It was one of those speedruns again… like most dungeon runs these days, and that’s where it all went wrong. We both realized that we don’t like melee DPS in groups. Simply because we don’t like to run after the mobs before we can hit them. That was the moment when we missed our druids again, the shapeshifting, the ranged DPS and the healing for Sardoken.

TLDR, DK’s are fun, but I realized that I don’t like melee DPS in groups. I guess that we’ll be druids for life.