Things Heard & Seen

An artist relocates to the Hudson Valley and begins to suspect that her marriage has a sinister darkness, one that rivals her new home’s history. (IMDB)

The worst part about the movie are the reviews. Have people lost the ability to be entertained or have they just become movie snobs? Sure, this is neither an horror movie, neither a pure thriller and I guess that the fans of these two genres may have transposed their purist disappointment in their harsh critics. However, if you don’t mind watching a movie that belongs to the “thriller with supernatural elements” category, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy Things Heard & Seen.

Throughout the movie, a sympathy is build for Catherine (Amanda Seyfried), who lives with a husband who not only doesn’t love her but is actually a real jerk. That sympathy is what keeps the tension up during the movie. Part of me didn’t want anything bad to happen to her, and the other part wanted her husband to be punished for treating her the way he does. The supernatural elements help keeping the movie from turning too dramatic.

Overall, Things Heard & Seen is a pretty good supernatural thriller with a 70s vibe. A nice fit for a rainy Saturday evening.


This movie has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I honestly can’t see why. Maybe I have a crappy taste in movies, but Polaroid was, in my opinion, a decent supernatural horror movie.

It was nice to see Mitch Pileggi (X-files) and Grace Zabriskie (Twin Peaks) in a recent release. All these years later Zabriskie still creeps me out with her scary dame look, no one can match her. 

The core of the movie is a string of deaths of young and ridiculously beautiful people (Madelaine Petsch, Keenan Tracey, Priscilla Quintana,…) who can’t avoid their ineluctable faith. I love this kind of subject, especially when they add a few jump scares. Apparently, this is the reason why the movie got flamed by the critics, too cliché. I don’t get it, I love the good old recipe for a horror movie. Young people get in trouble, they get killed by some supernatural being, what’s not to like?

Another thing I like about this movie is the concept of a haunted polaroid camera, get your picture taken and then die. I’ve always loved photography, and the nostalgia around polaroids kicked me in the feels. I know that the concept of haunted pictures has been used in many movies, but so are haunted houses, dolls, etc… what’s the big deal? (directing this question to those damned critics)

According to the trivia on imdB the main actress, Kathryn Prescott (Bird Fitcher) is a professional photographer in real life. Also, the couple Devin (Keenan Tracey) and Mina (Priscilla Quintana) were a real couple for a few years. I know, I know, I’m a sucker for gossip and trivia like this. My husbands’ love for soaps is rubbing off on me, I think.

Anyway, I think that Polaroid is a solid horror movie that kept me entertained until the end. So, do I recommend this? Absolutely! 

Supernatural: Season 15

Well, I guess that this is it, Sam and Dean Winchester are now officially done saving the world and hunting monsters.

While this TV-show kept us entertained during our dinner times for years, the very last episode nearly killed us with sadness. I know that this sounds dramatic, but they did everything possible to make even the toughest cookie shed a tear or two. SPOILER ALERT! Especially the entire scene with Dean’s death on “Brothers in Arms” of Dire Straits… They surely picked up the saddest song in the history of music. Seeing him afterwards with Bobby in heaven kind of lifted up the spirits though.

So many cool characters have joined and left each season, amongst our favourites were Castiel, Jack, Bobby, Crowley, Meg (our favourite bad mouthed demon), Rowina, Garth, and last but not least, Lucifer. Admit it, the man has class:

After the last episode both actors, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles made a little goodbye speech for their fans. I think that it must have been hard for them ending their 15 year long adventure as the Winchester brothers.

Anyway, here are some of my favourite episodes that I’ll never forget:

  • Scoobynatural was one of my absolute favourites. I’ve always been a fan of Scooby Doo and seeing a crossover with SPN was awesome. Also, we had a super delicious pizza while watching this particular episode so, it’s branded in my memory as a perfect evening;
  • We’ve literally rolled over the floor of laughing with Yellow Fever. Seeing the normally fearless Dean scream like a little girl was hilarious;
  • Another one that made us laugh was Bad Day at Black Rock. Dean ends up having incredible luck which meant that the most unlikely things could happen. Writing this makes me realise how much we liked the character of Dean, the dude could be dead serious (way too serious at times), but also be the biggest clown. To end up on that note, here’s one of our favourite videos that we’ve watched quite a few times:

Like the show’s musical anthem says; “Carry on Wayward Son. There’ll be peace when you are done.” – Kansas. Rest in peace guys. It was one hell of a ride!

Paranormal Activity


This is by far my favourite horror series ever created. I remember how terrified I was after watching the first movie, I could barely sleep at night. Meanwhile, years have passed, and I’m still as terrified as the first time.

One thing I’ve learned is that no matter what weird stuff you may think is happening, NEVER set up a camera to capture these events. Especially not in your bedroom while you are sleeping. This is one subject that I find utterly disturbing. Add some haunted-, possession-like elements and you got my skin crawling.

Extra kudos for the beautiful houses in all the movies and the Christmas theme in the Ghost Dimension.


Paranormal Activity is my favourite serie of horror movies.

We recently re-watched them all, one movie each Saturday evening. While I remembered that we always had a good time watching them, I forgot how powerful they were.

Horror is very subjective to people, what frightens a person, may not scare another… On my wife and me, found footages are very effective. I think that they are only second to exorcism and posession movies. So, when those two themes are mixed together, in a nice californian setting, all the ingredients are there to make our perfect fright cocktail.

The Originals

When I crochet, I usually watch tv-shows that I’m sure Sardoken won’t like. That way I keep all the good stuff for when we watch TV together. One of these shows was supposed to be The Originals, a spin-off from The Vampire Diaries. Little did I know that a few episodes later, both of us would get completely hooked to the Mikaelson family drama.

Instead of writing a review, here’s a list of all the things I’ve loved the most about The Originals:

  • The visual effects were stunning. No tacky transformations or cheap blood effects. They were beautiful and credible;
  • The mischievous smile of Klaus Mikaelson. You always knew when he was up to no good;
  • The effects when a witch casts a spell;
  • The casting. Most characters were attaching and brought tears to our eyes when they died or relief when they didn’t;
  • They never hesitated on the horror-effect. Some scenes were pretty gruesome like anything horror is supposed to be;
  • There was always some action. No slow, one-plot season, but a web of stories that never make you fall asleep in the middle;
  • The decorative skills and taste in food in this TV-show are flawless. The Mikaelsons’ Christmas holidays look epic and don’t even get me started on their famous dinner scenes.

Last summer, we’ve watched the fifth and last season of the show. While I’ve loved each and every episode, the end was way too sad. I sure will miss watching my favourite vampires, werewolves and witches creating chaos in the city of New Orleans.


Rings is a pretty scary movie. Not for it’s effects, nor for the creepy apparition, but for that feeling of impending doom. You know that once you’ve watched the video, you’re going to die and there’s no way to run or hide from it. Something that scares me like hell.

I know that the movie received a lot of negative critisism saying that the story deviated too much from its’ original version. Me, on the other hand, found it refreshing to watch another version which left room for some elements of surprise and a nice plottwist at the end.

Another surprise was to watch Johnny Galecki playing another role than the famous Leonard Hofstadter in the Big Bang Theory. Unlike “Sheldon” (Jim Parsons), he managed to play a completely different character. All in all, the casting was excellent.

If you like movies like “It follows”, you most likely will like this one as well.

The Apparition

The Apparition is about a parapsychology experiment that has gone wrong. Something evil was conjured during this experiment and a young couple discovers that they’re being haunted by this evil presence.

This movie is a perfect example of why we have this blog. We had already watched it quite a while ago, but fell asleep halfway through the story because of the poor acting. Don’t get me wrong the idea is good, I love stories about haunted places or people. This one just doesn’t do the trick.

Normally, when you live in a house where one creepy event after another occurs, you’re supposed to be scared out of your mind. The actors in this movie, however, seemed to be okay with all the supernatural creepy stuff that was happening around them. The last thing I would do if my ceiling was being tainted by something evil, is to casually poke it with a broomstick. Seriously, this movie lost all its’ credibility from the moment they’ve casted those people. Tom Felton may be an excellent Draco Malfoy, but if I were him I wouldn’t target a carreer in the horror genre.

It was the second time we’ve watched this movie and I understand now why I entirely forgot about its’ existence. Not worth wasting your time.

The Blackcoat’s Daughter

The movie’s about two students that must face a mysterious evil force when they get left behind at their boarding school over winter break.

Regardless of the amazing reviews I’ve read about The Blackcoat’s Daughter, I though it was just “meh”. It has something that made me continue watching it but, other than that, I have nothing interesting to say about this one. Granted, the casting may be excellent, but it doens’t change the fact that the story is too slow and underdeveloped.

Towards the end, things tend to get a little bit more violent, but it’s done in such a cheap slasher way that it contradicts the kind of ambiance they’re trying to build. It’s a very bleak and fairly uninteresting movie that isn’t scary at all.


Windchill is one of my Christmas holiday favourites. Two students share a ride home for the holidays. They end up in an accident, and, while waiting for help, they are haunted by the ghosts of the neighbourhoods’ brutal past.

I’ve watched this movie twice by now and still love it as much as the first time. It may not exceed in visual effects, but the acting and overall vibe of the movie makes entirely up for that. Emily Blunt is amazing and the snowy landscapes are just stunning. Eventhough I’m not a huge fan of rewatching things over and over again, I think that it won’t be the last time I’ve watched this film.

Like I’ve said before : definitely one of my favourites around this time of the year!


After moving to a vineyard to start a new life with her husband, a pregnant woman begins to experience terrifying visions.- IMDB

Don’t let the corny trailer fool you! It starts off as an ordinary haunted house movie but switches into a pretty nice thriller. The plot twist was simple, not overwhelming but definitely interesting.

The film was okay. Isla Fisher did a great job portraying a haunted pregnant lady. Eva Longoria’s role, however, wasn’t transcending and could have been played by anyone. There are a few good jump scares and it feels refreshing to watch because it wasn’t another typical possession movie. The only complaint I have is that it was too short! Overall, I enjoyed it from start to finish. It was fast paced, thrilling and straight forward.

Maybe not my favourite, but it made a good evening. I can definitely recommend to give this a watch.