Two Hours Before Launch

We logged in WoW yesterday with no intention to take part in the big Shadowlands launch. We had the time to complete a few dailies/world quests, then the lag made it almost impossible to do anything else than read the chat and feel the excitement.

As we logged out, Orgrimmar was filled like I haven’t seen it in a long time. Thousands of people side by side, waiting for an event to start, this is the kind of moment that makes World of Warcraft so amazing. No other game can give such a fantastic feeling.

All we have to wait now is 10 days before we can finally join the fun.

Last Day Before Shadowlands

People are getting ready to enter Shadowlands or, at least, to participate to the huge lag-queue-bug fest that is an expansion launch. But we won’t be there. Woooooot?!

We have almost the entire month of December off and we’d like to start leveling our characters at the beginning of our holidays. So, we’ll resist the temptation, we’ll even lock our experience gain until the 4th of December.

Even if there’s something incredibly exciting to be in the first wave on release date, Sof and I have participated to too many expansion launches to still believe that the experience will be smooth. The game will truly be enjoyable 10 days later. Hopefully, by then, the queues will be smaller, the competition for the quest objectives will be less savage and the lag will be reduced.

Meanwhile, I’ll be fishing in Pandaria or killing rares in Nazjatar…

Less than one hour

Less than an hour left before WoD… everybody’s going crazy. The Dark Portal is overcrowded, the channels are epic, the Mamytwink Show sets the ambiance together with the loads of tweets that bomb my screen. The first servers are going down, will Draenor EU survive this massive horde heading towards the Portal? The suspense is killing me ;-p

Two hours from launch

After an hour queue, we’re finally running around the Dark Portal, surrounded by half the population of the server. As you can see on the screenshot, it looks like the brutes have gone paladin… Well, after years of repeating the same hunter rotation, it feels good to mash other buttons. The hype is big tonight, Twitch, Tweeter, YouTube, blogs, the Warlords are everywhere!

The day before the invasion

Tomorrow, we’ll leave Pandaria for Draenor and the world (of Warcraft) as we know it will be changed forever (again). I was already hyped with the Blizzcon, the TV spots, the Warlords serie, and now this: The Iron Horde invades Time Square. I love expansions for the new content but what really makes it for me is all this pre-launch excitement. Soon, we’ll be back in our little routines, waiting for the next patch, but for now, let’s enjoy the hype!