
Alien Ranked

We’ve just completed a full rerun of the Alien collection. I’m not gonna write a review for each movie, I don’t think that I know enough superlatives to describe how much we love the franchise. Instead, here is our ranking from amazing to excellent:

  1. Alien: The original stays incredibly good, actually our favourite of the franchise;
  2. Aliens: Much more of an action movie with more guns and more jokes. While very entertaining, it has lost a bit of its mythical aspect compared to the first chapter;
  3. Prometheus: I know, the purists will go crazy, but we honestly think that Prometheus is an incredible movie and that it fits perfectly in the story;
  4. Covenant: That’s it, the purists will never come back to our blog now! Still, I can’t help to find the end of the story a perfect fit;
  5. Alien 3: Still excellent, but slower and darker. Enjoyable but not essential;
  6. Alien Resurrection: An excellent sci-fi movie and a great Alien movie, but it’s the one that we find less amazing, just excellent.

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