Fuck Meta

As if I needed more reasons to stay away from Facebook or Meta or whatever, I now receive emails blackmailing me to create a Meta account if I want to continue using my Oculus VR set.
I wish that I could write a polite post explaining why I won’t do it, but the temptation is too great, I can’t resist, aahhhhh – Zuckerberg can kiss my ass! He and his company can go suck a fuck, I won’t let them make me their bitch!
Apparently, the risk of premature death is higher among individuals with Tourette syndrome (mortality rate ratio, 1.63) according to a study. But, when facing assholes, being vulgar feels so good, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.
I’ll probably switch to Valve Index, but I’m still holding back for a wireless version. If the wait gets too long, I’ll eventually cave in and purchase one.