Our Greatest Regret

Battle for Azeroth as been the expansion that we’ve probably played the less. For two years, we’ve been asking ourselves how we could love something that much for more than a decade and, now, not being able to play it for more than a few days. Many times, we’ve tried to get back into it… We’ve joined another guild, we’ve even tried to better plan our achievement hunt… All without success.
As we were starting to think that it was time to move one from WoW, we decided to spend a week-end discovering the Horde campaign…
Zandalar, the colors, the characters, the story, the music, everything feels right. Within a few days, our enthusiasm was back and our greatest regret is that we haven’t been on this side of the story since the begining of BFA.
Throughout our years in Azeroth, we’ve been both Alliance and Horde and I know that it is down to everybody’s personal taste, but our greatest times have always been on the Horde.
We don’t know why we didn’t think about it sooner but we won’t change factions anymore. For the Horde! Zandalar forever!
But moving to the Horde wasn’t enough, something else was missing… Around Cataclysm, Sof and I both changed our mains from Druid to Hunter. Since then, we’ve been accumulating achievements points on those characters, which made it increasingly harder to change our mains again. As a consequence, we’ve been playing a class we both didn’t enjoy because we were afraid to start all over again. We’ve tried several times but we always came back to our hunters because “they have everything”. It was a mistake. If you don’t enjoy the class you play, you should change, no matter what!
When we recently moved to the Horde, we started questing with our Retribution Paladins in Zuldazar and we’ve been having more fun than we’ve ever had with our Hunters. I won’t lie, we’ve had a rough couple of weeks… Changing your main characters when our old ones are so close to complete achievements like Undersea Usurper is not an easy thing to do. But, as the week passed, it became clear that our Hunters were responsible for last years’ drop of enthusiasm.
Our plan is to complete Nazjatar and reach exalted status with Rajani and Uldum Accord, then we’ll switch entirely to our Paladins for Shadowlands. We have until December because we don’t plan starting the next expansion before the end of the year holidays. Meanwhile, we’re completing the Paladin class order hall campaign and we’re trying to unlock the hidden artifact appearance, which is an insanely fun thing to do.