We’ve Watched Buffy

VoilĂ , we’ve finally seen the last episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer…

When it first came out, in the 90s, I refused to watch it. Sarah Michelle Gellar was just too much of those blondes we loved to hate during the grunge time. She looked like a Paris Hilton with a brushing. I always wondered why she wore high heels and was dressed as if she was walking her puddle in the streets of New York… If you have to spend your nights in a graveyard, waiting for vampires to rise, wouldn’t you want to dress accordingly?

But, since last year, we try to catch back on those pieces of pop culture that we might have missed because of made up ideas, and Buffy was one of them.

Let’s be honest, on seven seasons, only three are good (1, 2 & 7), the rest goes from total garbage to barely watchable. Most of the actors can’t act and I’m not surprised that we haven’t seen them anywhere else. Also, even if the show is about slaying vampires, it seems that the entire plot revolves around Buffy falling in love with (and shagging) them (as depicted in the image above).

But, even if we wanted to stop watching the show many times, especially when it takes 3 full episodes for her mother to die (oops spoiler, sorry), I’m glad that we made it until the end. Buffy is a monument in fantastic and pop culture and it kept us entertained during many evening dinners. Now, let’s see what Angel is about…

Buffy – Restless

We might have just seen the worst episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The last episode of the 4th season is a “dream episode”, where each member of the team is hunted by the first slayer in each of their respective dreams.

Not only am I not a fan of surrealism, dreams, visions and all that stuff on TV, but this episode has a special place in the most boring ones of all times, it almost feels as if David Lynch has been directing it.

Since I didn’t watch it in the 90s, I’m only discovering Buffy now and I enjoy it a lot. This episode was actually the first that I didn’t like. Hopefully, it’ll be the last.