Totally Killer

If you’re looking for a serious horror movie, you’re in the wrong place. Totally Killer is a Halloween meets Back to the Future slasher comedy starring Kiernan Shipka (Jamie), who travels back to the 80’s in a home-made time travel machine, determined to stop the “Sweet Sixteen Killer” before his first kill.

While watching the movie, you see the big difference between generations. It’s funny to see a Gen Z’s reaction when catapulted to the 80’s. Even though, I think it must be more funny in real than in the movie. Most of the new generation would be completely lost in pre smartphone times. If we wanted to do any research in the 80’s and 90’s, we had to go to the library. If we needed to call some one, it was a fixed phone or bust. We didn’t spend all of our time with our nose in a screen, we were hanging out with friends in stead. Life and technology have changed drastically since the 80’s, but I’m not going to start a rant about that cause I’ll end up writing a book.

For those who have lived the 80’s, don’t expect a historically accurate movie. It’s a mindless slasher comedy full of anachronisms:

  • Several Game Boy games can be seen when Jamie enters the van of Lurch. The movie takes place in October 1987 but the Game Boy was released in July 1989.
  • Billy’s amusement park has a drop tower ride in several scenes. The first drop tower ride was commissioned in 1996, nearly ten years after the movie is set.

The costume designer, Patricia J. Henderson, was spot-on. I wonder how much time she’s spent in thrift shops, unless she made everything herself (which I doubt). Either way, she did her homework!

TLDR; Totally Killer is a fun movie for a Saturday horror night. As long as you don’t expect an award winning masterpiece, you’ll have a good time.

Palm Springs

This is the first movie we’ve watched during our one week of summer holidays. We thought it would be fitting our mood of sun and blue sky during this strange month of July. For some reason, I’ve believed all my life that Palm Springs is a place on the border of a beach with lots of palm trees, imagine my surprise seeing a desert instead. I immediately googled Palm Springs after watching the movie, and yes, it apparently is a desert resort city in California. I’ve learned a new thing that day…

The movie was fun to watch, Andy Samberg was as hilarious as always. Movies about time loops always reach their best point when the people who are stuck in them, accept their fate and completely let go. Throwing a bomb at a wedding, dressing up like a pirate, camping in the desert while stoned and watching dinosaurs pass,… life would be so much fun if none of your actions would have any consequences, the day starts over and over again anyway.

Also, those inflatable pizzas look so comfy, I could see Chris and I floating on one of those babies in our imaginary pool.