Eurovision 2021

A quick post to say that we had a lot of fun watching this year’s Eurovision Song Contest (yes, we’re fans!). Even if last year’s movie was great, it didn’t replace the real thing. This year’s contest was amazing, the setting was great, a lot of participants were actually quiet good (Iceland, Israel, Ukraine and Lithuania) and the presenters were better than usual.

However, I don’t know what made me the most happy, to see Italy win, since it was our favorite band of the evening or to see France lose, which is always very satisfying. French people are the worse winners/losers ever and their song was horrible and boring, I couldn’t have hoped for more. Sometimes, the universe goes your way.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Another consequence of the Covid Pandemic was the cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest and that’s super sad because it’s one of the best evening of the year.

Thanks to this movie, we had a taste of our favourite contest. It may not have filled the gap, but the duo Ferrell-McAdams made us laugh and brought a welcome Eurosong touch to this disastrous year.

Lately, we’ve seen contestants trying to adapt their act to the standards of nowadays pop music… But Fire Saga reflects what I think Eurovision is about: a celebration of individuality where people from all over Europe bring something different.

Now, let’s hope that 2021 comes fast.