To Hell With Dragons, I Wanna Be A Furbolg!

We’re only a few hours from The War Within‘s early access and we’re still discovering great stuff from Dragonflight. Last Monday evening, we’ve completed what we’ll remember as our favourite quest chain in the expansion. Learning the Furbolgs’ language to be able to quest and gain their trust was awesome! Also, SNOW! It felt so good to play in the snowy landscapes during this hell season.
My apologies for the small post and the eventual typos, but I’m typing this while watching the one on one interview with Chris Metzen and I just love that dude! I’m so glad he came back to work on WoW.
I can’t believe that WoW is already turning 20 in November. I’m so incredibly proud that we’ve both been part of it for so many years (decades). Long live Azeroth!