What in WoW reminds you of your home?

Due to the lack of time and most of all, the lack of a blog, I didn’t participate to Blog Azeroth Shared Topic a few weeks ago (or should I say months…). Syrco of Syrco Owl came up with a great and simple question: “What in WoW reminds you of home?”.
I live in multicultural and tiny Belgium. We have mountains, forests, the sea, our big capital city, Brussels, and most of all… fields, lots of fields and meadows… Especially, in the part of Belgium where I come from.
The zone that first popped into my head was Westfall. It’s a tranquil farming area that brings back a lot of childhood memories. Eventhough, I haven’t been raised on a farm and my parents were far from being farmers, our house was surrounded by them. The haystacks, scarecrows, lonely trees in the middle of a plot…

And, then, there is Feralas, which reminds me of our lush, green nature during the summertime. It’s maybe not as exotic looking but, the certain shades of green are quite similar to ours end spring / middle summer.
While Silverpine Forest and Alterac Montains remind me a little of the Ardennes.

Last but not least, well,… I guess I won’t have to explain on how much the next picture of the “Caves of Dinant” looks like a real dungeon 😉 We have plenty of those and I always get carried away, dreaming up adventures and stories whenever stumbling upon one during a long walk in the Ardennes.

Wow, writing this post actually makes me realize on how many places in Azeroth remind me of “home”. Before starting, I really thought I’d have a hard time finding any resemblance at all but, now I’m on a roll and have a hard time stopping :-S Thank you, Syrco for the awesome idea 😉