The Nightborne

When the allied races were first introduced at Blizzcon, I was unimpressed to say the least. They felt (and still feel) like a low effort attempt at creating new content. So, when we pre-purchased Battle for Azeroth, I wasn’t in a hurry to unlock those “new” races. Another reason behind my lack of enthusiasm is that the racials of the Highmountain Tauren don’t fit my herbalist druid as well as my original Tauren. So, out of curiosity, Soforah and I went to the Orgrimar embassy and started the quest to unlock the Nightborne.

The quest was more entertaining than we suspected and it felt great to be included in the politics of the Horde. I was proud of Lor’themar Theron’s attitude and I was very happy to see Thalyssar joining the Horde. After all, she was probably my favourite character in the entire Legion story.

As for the Nightborne model, I could use it to compliment my future boosted toon. But I’m still undecided about which class I’ll choose. I still have a few tests to make…