The War Within – 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition

A few days ago, it felt like Christmas… We’ve received our 20th anniversary collector’s edition of The War Within and, oh boy, we haven’t been disappointed!
The Collector’s edition in itself is the same as any other expansion, a beautiful big box with a few goodies inside, including the art book of The War Within. However, the 20th anniversary statue is absolutely gorgeous (and huge). The whole thing was very well wrapped and protected, you can see the details in the gallery below.

We’ve just been playing the entire week-end and we continue to enjoy the expansion very much. We’ve unlocked the world quests and we’ve both completed the Pathfinder achievement to unlock Steady Flight in Khaz Algar. All the zones are fantastic to explore, even if we both have a little preference for Hallowfall which is one of the most gorgeous place in the entire World of Warcraft.