The Rares System Is Fixed

Did they listen to the community or was it planned all along? Anyway, the respawn timer of the rare mobs in Icecrown has been reduced to 10 minutes (from 20 minutes). It makes the whole farming more dynamic and much funnier. I’ve passed from “I’ll ignore this part of the event” to “I can’t wait to be this evening to join the grind”.

The Rares System Is Bad

Shadowlands event is up and, while I had fun for like an hour or two, I quickly arrived to the point where all that’s left to do is to wait for rares to spawn. I’ve hated waiting for rare mobs to spawn since Timeless Isle, it’s a poor way to keep people engaged in the game.

My hard earned free time could be better used than stand in front of a spawn point, watching at the clock. I’m not asking for hand-outs, to the contrary, I play WoW because I enjoy to work toward goals. So, let me grind, farm and gather currencies that I can later exchange for rewards, instead of having me wait for it to maybe drop.