World of Warcraft

The Best Possible Date

Finally a release date that’s perfect for Soforah and me. First, it’s far from the heat of the summer. Second, it’s only a month away from our end-of-the-year holidays. For once in a long time, Blizzard’s timing and ours seems to match perfectly.

But this isn’t only the best release date possible, now is also the best moment in a WoW player’s life… We’re only a few weeks from the pre-patch, the new expansion is around the corner, the hype is going up, there are news every day, Blizzard releases shorts to introduce us to the new lore, we even have a book to read.

Since I started playing WoW, I hear people say that Blizzard is going down or that World of Warcraft is dead. To me, it seems that what’s changing the most are the players, because Blizzard still provides amazing entertainment and I’m proud to be part of it.

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