Horror Movies

Wolf Creek 2 (2013)

While trying to help a girl who’s running away from a killer, a young guy has to fight (and eventually participate in a quiz) to survive.

This sequel may be more gore and more violent, but it is also less enjoyable than the original. There’s a lot of dialogues, too much for a high tension slasher.

Warning: Spoilers below!

A lot of scenes are really good, but the rhythm of the movie is broken during the quiz scene. It was a good idea, but it takes too long for the captive to only lose a finger. Also, the end is disappointing. Spending so much time to capture the victim, only to release him with a note “you lose”?! It’s as if a porn movie would stop right before the final scene.

All in all, not a bad horror movie, just a disappointing sequel.

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