World of Warcraft

For the Alliance

As you may have noticed, the ever brutal Orcs, Sardoken and Soforah, are dwarves once again. And yeah, we’re still very brutal (even more now ;p).

    There are 6 comments.

  1. Sardoken April 5, 2015 @ 11:55 am

    Also, I have a cool beard 😀

  2. Soforah April 5, 2015 @ 11:56 am

    The coolest beard ever ^^

  3. Alunaria June 25, 2017 @ 9:56 am

    Oh, I was just going to ask, Orcs or Dwarves. You would have been the first Orcs I follow!

    “But no matter” 😉

  4. Sardoken June 25, 2017 @ 10:06 am

    We’re Orcs 😉 During the years, we’ve changed a few times, but we always came back to our green skins.

  5. Alunaria June 25, 2017 @ 4:31 pm

    Aha, noticed now 🙂 This site is so cool! I love how you both post seperate posts like that – and a very good overview and archive, so easy to navigate around.

  6. Sardoken June 25, 2017 @ 6:21 pm

    Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoy it 🙂

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