Lego Hogwarts

LEGO 71043

It took us the length of the 7 Harry Potter movies, the last Fantastic Beasts (which is as bad as the 2 first), Moana and almost Lightyear (20 minutes left) to complete the build. It was probably the most entertaining mega build that we’ve done so far. If the castle was lighter, I would turn it to show the detail of the many rooms that are included. From Dumbledore’s office to the giant chess board from the Philosopher’s Stone, the attention to details is incredible.


We’ve completed the Lego Hedwig that Soforah offered me for my birthday. It was a bit different from the other builds as it contains Technic elements, the wings move when you use the small handle on the side.

We’re now ready to start building the Millennium Falcon.

Harry Potter rerun

Every summer, Sardoken and I love to rewatch all Harry Potter movies during the annual mind-numbing heatwave. This year, no exception. There we were hanging in the couch, suffering the scorching temperatures, trying to alleviate our pain by watching one of our favourite movie series. After all this time, still as magical as ever.

Instead of ranting endlessly about the heat, here’s one particular scene with my favourite Hogwarts teacher, professor Slughorn:

Magic is Might

One of our traditions is that, when we are sick, we do a Harry Potter marathon. Last weekend was one of those moments… While we were watching this fantastic serie, I realised that we never wrote a post on our blog. So, here we go!

Sixteen years ago, Sardoken got rewarded the DVD of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone after winning a contest in the local newspaper. I remember that it was during the first month we lived together. One year later, we got married and bought all the HP books in both languages (Dutch and French) with the gift certificates we received from Sardokens’ workmates.

In the mean time, I think that I must have read all books over 3 times by now. Once you’ve known the coziness of the wizarding world, it’s hard to come back to reality ;p

Here are some of my favourite things throughout the serie:

  • Teacher: Professor Slughorn;
  • Classes: herbology and potions;
  • Food: anything from the dining tables in the great hall (always makes me hungry);
  • Holidays: Christmas & Halloween in Hogwarts;
  • Places: Hogwarts, the Burrow and Hogsmeade around Christmas;
  • Movie / Book: The Half-Blood Prince (second is The Prisoner of Azkaban);
  • Shop: Weasleys’ Wizzard Wheezes and Honeydukes;
  • Spell / Curse: Imperio;
  • House: Slytherin of course! I would have a cat as a pet and my patronus would be a moose.

Now we are in 2018 and I have so many great memories of all the Harry Potter moments we’ve shared… We’ve been to several midnight openings to get the latest novels, we’ve watched all the movies several times at the theatre (except the first one, which we’ve only seen on TV), we’ve done reading marathons, we’ve gotten a subscription at Pottermore where we were both sorted in house Slytherin, we’ve been collecting quite a lot of goodies, we’ve been to the exposition in Brussels and, most important of all, we’ve visited the Warner Bros Studios in London.

Our trip to London is the one that I’ll cherish the most. I’ll never forget walking around in Diagon Alley and the great hall, visiting Hagrid’s house, watching Sardoken drink a butterbeer (I’m lactose-intolerant), having our pictures taken while flying the Weasleys’ enchanted car or Sardoken pushing me forward when the tour guide asked whose birthday it was (so I got to open the doors to Hogwarts),…

Here are some pictures of our trip to the WB Studios:

For more of our pics, check out our gallery on Imgur.

Writing this makes me realise how much I love the world of Harry Potter. After all these years I still have butterflies. J.K. Rowling created something magical and I’ll always be grateful for that. Next month Fantastic Beasts 2 will be playing in the theatres. I’m already looking forward to this moment. Even though it isn’t the same, it’s a part of the HP universe which means that I am hyped like hell.