Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021)

Margot, a young woman who was abandoned by her mother as a baby, travels to a secluded Amish community with a documentary film crew seeking answers about her mother and extended family. (source: IMDB)

We’re huge Paranormal Activity fans. This franchise is our favourite in all horror, we love it so much that we do a complete rerun every summer. So the great question was, for us, to know if Next of Kin would be worthy of its predecessors.

This time, no cool Californian house, but the rural surrounding of an Amish community. So I was a bit afraid, since the trademark of the series had always been an escalating horror happening in cool places, with cool people. However, my worries were set aside as the farmhouse’s secluded and natural environment works really well with the story, making Next of Kin pretty scary.

Is this a “main story” Paranormal Activity? No. Is this a good side story in the franchise? Yes. Will we add it to our yearly rerun? Hell yeah!

Paranormal Activity rerun

Another serie we love to rewatch every year during the hot summetimes. Paranormal Activity still remains, in my opinion, one of the most unsettling horror series ever made. No matter how many times I’ve watched these movies, they still make me feel ill at ease at night. Evil witches, and possession always do the trick for me.

One thing is for sure, I’ll never set up a camera in my place at night. Whatever happens at night, will stay in the night, like they say: “ignorance is bliss”. I prefer it that way.

Every time we’re watching Paranormal Activity, Sardoken and I can’t stop talking about how gorgeous the houses are in these movies (with exception of the Marked Ones). Even though, I prefer my normal little apartment over a haunted place anytime. I wanted to add some stills to this post, but they were too dark and didn’t do any justice so, instead I’m adding a picture of the the livingroom in The Ghost Dimension:

On the right you see a fraction of what is the biggest and most glorious Christmas tree I’ve ever seen in a house. It’s beginning September, and I’m already in full Christmas spirit… thank you Ghost Dimension.