
Men and women live in a giant silo underground with several regulations which they believe are in place to protect them from the toxic and ruined world on the surface.(source: IMDB)

I can count on one hand the amount of times that a workmate advised me to watch a TV show that was really good and Silo is one of them. It ticks all the boxes: great ambiance, mystery, no unnecessary drama and, above all, a fantastic casting.

I think that Rebecca Ferguson is one of the most talented actress of this generation. From the mother of Paul Atreides to Juliette Nichols, she’s exceptionnal.

Hugh Howey, on whose books the show is based, was one of the first self-published authors who found success using the then-new Amazon Kindle format and manage to live solely from writing and self-publishing books.

AppleTV+ ordered the second season, phew!

Doctor Sleep

We had two movies for that Saturday evening and we wanted to keep The Colour out of Space for another time because we were tired and afraid to fall asleep before the end. Since we’re not really fans of Stephen King, we thought that Doctor Sleep would be a safe choice.

We got very surprised by the movie. While it’s not really the advertised sequel to The Shining because, let’s face it, there can’t be a sequel to such a classic, it felt like a great spin-off.

What made it so good is that there was a real sense of danger. It may come down to a personal preference but I find a bunch of children-killing-carnies scarier than a children-eating-clown. Also, Rebecca Ferguson was frightful as Rose the Hat.

We had a great evening with the doctor and he didn’t put us to sleep. (I just couldn’t help myself)