Snow, Finally!

It’s finally been snowing over this god forsaken place, hiding its grey and depressive ugliness. It lasted an afternoon, then it melted. Forgive my negativity, but I don’t like Brussels. In fact, to say that I don’t like this place doesn’t traduce my resentment, because I fucking hate Brussels and, one day, I don’t know when and I don’t know where, we’ll move out of here… Preferably in a place where it snows in winter, with trees.


Windchill is one of my Christmas holiday favourites. Two students share a ride home for the holidays. They end up in an accident, and, while waiting for help, they are haunted by the ghosts of the neighbourhoods’ brutal past.

I’ve watched this movie twice by now and still love it as much as the first time. It may not exceed in visual effects, but the acting and overall vibe of the movie makes entirely up for that. Emily Blunt is amazing and the snowy landscapes are just stunning. Eventhough I’m not a huge fan of rewatching things over and over again, I think that it won’t be the last time I’ve watched this film.

Like I’ve said before : definitely one of my favourites around this time of the year!