Wrong Turn (2003)

This movie is the perfect example of why we blog about all the horror movies we watch… We had already seen it and we completely forgot about it. Now, I should definitely create an alphabetical list of the horror movies we’ve seen…
Cool folks cross West Virginia but their car broke down in the middle of a forest inhabited by inbred cannibal rednecks (or is it inbred redneck cannibals, is there even a protocol about this?). Anyway, no big surprise here, we loved the original Wrong Turn and we can’t wait to watch the next 5 chapters.
- It features Jeremy Sisto (6 feet under), Desmond Harrington (Dexter) and Eliza Dushku (Buffy). (source: me)
- The movie was released the same year that Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) ended. (source: IMDB)
- When the four are running from the cabin after awakening the mountain men, Desmond Harrington broke his right ankle after landing on the opposite side of a log. This made it very difficult to shoot some of the scenes after his left leg is “shot” and he has to limp on his right leg. (source: IMDB)
- Emmanuelle Chriqui dislocated her shoulder performing her fall through the trees. You can hear her shoulder pop on the production track in the theatrical sound mix. (source: IMDB)
- It’s the only film in the series that does not contain any sex or nudity. (and there are 5 more chapters, quiet promising :-D)
“inbred cannibal rednecks” j’ai explosé de rire 😀
Rofl! Not going to Virginia any time soon 😉