Pet Sematary (2019)

Dr. Louis Creed and his wife, Rachel, relocate from Boston to rural Maine with their two young children. The couple soon discover a mysterious burial ground hidden deep in the woods near their new home – IMDb


This remake of the 1989 classic, wasn’t bad, but not good either. The thing that disappointed me in this movie is that it wasn’t creepy. I kept expecting jump scares, and something more evil to surface throughout the entire movie, but it never came. The idea behind the story was great, but they could have done so much more with it. After all, it’s a Stephen King story, but to be honest, I’ve never even managed to finish reading one of his books, just too boring.

Anyway, it was a fun little thriller, but don’t expect the ultimate horror experience because you’ll be disappointed.


I don’t remember much from the original movie, except that it was average at best. This one is a bit the same… When the movie was over, I thought “ok, not bad”.

With such an idea, it could have been much more intense, but too many scenes ended up being soft, I even wondered if it was purposely done to satisfy a wider public.

The feeling I have with most Stephen King stories is that they are written for the people who want to read something a bit darker than the usual supermarket thriller, but it’s too soft for the real horror public.

Pet Sematary didn’t scare me, it didn’t shock me, but it didn’t bore me either, just like most Stephen King stories.

Meet Ray Charles

I know I should be ashamed… Not very cute compared to the feathermanes, but it’s got bloodlust and it makes me laugh.

Taming Feathermanes

Last week-end, I’ve finally unlocked all artifact traits for Titanstrike. By doing so, I could buy the Tome of the Hybrid Beast from Pan the Kind Hand (the stable master from Trueshot Lodge). Upon use, it allows the player to tame Feathermanes, a family that includes hippogryphs, gryphons, owlcats, wolfhawks, and wyverns. If you want to know more about these pets, follow this link to Petopia.

Since I had already completed the quest line to obtain the Beast Master class mount, I was particularly interested in taming the brown Wolfhawk named Varoudnir. There are 3 different Wolfhawks and they are all located on the uninstanced version of the Eye of Azshara.

Each of them is located inside a cave.

Their respawn timer is between 15 and 30 minutes and they are not especially hard to tame. Now I “just” have to unlock every trait for the other Hunter artifacts, so I’ll be able to get all the color variations of the class mount to match my Wolfhawks…

Bonus objective: Guess the name I gave to my new pet. Hints in this video.

Lil’ Bling

Lil' Bling

Finally got something useful from a Blingtron. I still can’t believe it. After all this time… I always summoned my own, but, yesterday, I saw that there were plenty of them up in the Shrine, so, I thought, why spam the place with another one?

I don’t know if that did the trick, but, I was quite happy not to receive more Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E‘s or another Extreme Back Scratcher or any other “crapasourus” from that way too shiny little thing.

Anyway, Lil’ Bling may not be the cutest among all WoW pets, he’s quite welcome in my collection nevertheless. Talking about pets, I really should do more pet battles and stuff…