Taming All the Pets

This week, after crossing a very cool Goblin Hunter who was running with Stinky at his side, I realized that I couldn’t tame all the pets in Azeroth. I don’t know how this happened, but I completely forgot about the existence of the taming tomes.

After running the macros below, I noticed that I was still missing Gargons, Cloud Serpents and Blood Beasts.

/run for k,v in pairs({['Blood Beasts']=54753,['Undead']=62255,['Cloud Serpents']=62254,['Gargon']=61160})do print(format('%s: %s', k, C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and '\124cff00ff00Yes\124r' or '\124cffff0000No\124r')) end
/run for k,v in pairs({['Direhorns']=138430,['Mechanicals']=205154,['Feathermanes']=242155})do print(format('%s: %s', k, IsPlayerSpell(v) and '\124cff00ff00Yes\124r' or '\124cffff0000No\124r')) end

Here is the lists of all the tomes and where to find them (from Wowhead):

The first new pets that I tamed were Stinky and Precious from Icecrown Citadel. After taming these magnificent pets, I continued to the Lich King and he dropped a Drudge Ghoul, yay!

Zen as an Orc

Ever heard the expression “Zen as an Orc”? No? Me neither. It’s because such a thing doesn’t exist or didn’t exist… If you would have told me, a few years ago, that I would join the Night Fae with Sardoken, I wouldn’t have believed it. Yet, my time with the forest folks was entertaining and relaxing.

I don’t have much more to say about it, I only needed an excuse to post this amazing screenshot.

4 Hours and 25 Minutes

Last Friday, we’ve been camping the Fallen Charger for 4 hours 25 minutes before giving up and finally going to sleep. Almost 5 hours of our lives, spent doing nothing else than watching our screens, waiting for an elite mob, not knowing if it would even spawn while we were online.

A few weeks ago, that thought would have frightened us but, in the end, we had an amazing time. We joined a wait group and chatted with people while popping our best toys and being our goofy selves.

The next day, after a lot of whining, we went back to WoW and stumbled upon a group that mentioned that the Charger was up. We both had the time to tag it and, by doing so, complete the meta achievement “Breaking the Chains”.

Not only did we receive the amazing mount, The Hand of Salarangor, but we’ve also learned that, no matter how long it takes for an rare to spawn, the feeling of finally killing it is awesome!

By the way, this hand mount is the second one we received in a few weeks. The other is the Hand of Nilganihmaht, which we could craft after looting 4 different Quartered Ancient Rings scattered across the Maw.

Only two more hands to collect and we’ll have them all!

The Night House

A widow begins to uncover her recently deceased husband’s disturbing secrets. – iMDB

I’m writing this post not to forget that we’ve watched this movie. Weird thing, we did, and I already forgot about its’ existence. If it weren’t for Sardokens’ infallible memory, this one would have gone straight to oblivion. Makes me wonder what happened that night though.

After watching the trailer, I now remember it was an entertaining watch. There was this eerie vibe throughout the entire movie, but I wouldn’t have called it scary. As a reference, I haven’t jumped once, and coming from me that means something.

I would definitely not call this a horror fest, it’s more of a haunting mystery thriller. The story was pretty solid and original, maybe not the best movie, but worth the watch none the less.

AC Odyssey: How to Get the Best Ending

After many hours in AC Odyssey, getting lost in many quest lines and exploring the huge map, I’ve finished the main story line. It was fun, but it’s far from over. While I’ve killed many cultists, they haven’t all been slain. As long as my cultist page isn’t fully tainted red, I won’t give up on the game.

Apparently, there are nine different endings of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey depending on how many of Kassandras’ (or Alexios’) family members remain alive at the end of the game. Here is the short version of how I got to “a happy ending”:

  • In Chapter 2 “The Wolf of Sparta”, spare your father, Nikolaos;
  • In Chapter 6 “Catching Up”, tell your mother, Myrinne, you will save your brother, Deimos, from the cult;
  • During the quest “Ashes to Ashes”, save the baby;
  • In Chapter 7 “Paint it Red”, be kind to Nikolaos and tell him to help Stentor;
  • Don’t kill Stentor;
  • During the quest “A Bloody Feast”, tell Myrinne that you’ll bring Deimos back;
  • In “A Bloody Feast”, tell Deimos to hold on after you fight him;
  • During the quest “Doing Time”, convince Deimos the cult is manipulating you both. Deimos will say “I am not your puppet,” if it worked;
  • Continue to convince Deimos the cult is using him and refuse to fight in “Where it all Began”.

As a bonus for saving all of your family members, you’ll have them unlocked as Lieutenants for your ship. At first, I wasn’t too happy about having to do naval battles to progress in the game, but upgrading my ship changed that. It was pretty fun cleaving through ships as if they were butter.

Also, the end of the “Daughters of Artemis” quest line broke my heart, but I won’t spoil it in case Sardoken would decide one day he’d want to play Odyssey. While it was fun killing all those legendary beasts, I still can’t believe that the developers came up with an end like that. Ubisoft, sponsored by prozac.

For a game that I was so prejudice about in the past (I’d never play it, even if hell would freeze over), I’m having a lot of fun. Even AC Valhalla made it to my backlog, who would have thought that? Certainly not me.